Video Film Production
Pathway Overview
Concentration: Video-Film
Course Description:
LCC VIDEO-FILM is an elective, year-long CTE Introductory/Concentrator course in the study and practice of effective videography for any style and type of video or film.
Semester One introduces students, through micro-film projects, to Early Film History, Film Theory, and the basics of Filmmaking, including: Photography, Mise en Scéne, Editing, Sound, Lighting, Acting, and Storytelling.
Second Semester students work, often in collaborative groups, to create larger video projects through Scripting, Storyboarding, and Shooting a variety of film genres using Digital Cameras, Studio Equipment, and Editing Software.
Why take Video-Film? This course will:
teach you how to properly use that cell phone camera in your pocket.
make you a better photographer/artist in addition to a videographer, because Art is Art!
give you greater “cultural literacy”.
teach you about the psychology of human perception.
teach you how to entertain, manipulate, convince, and even perform a few magic tricks!
Additional Information
10 Credits
Introductory/Concentrator course for the LCC Video Production Pathway
Introductory/Concentrator course for Career Technical Education
Satisfies High School Graduation Requirement for “Visual/Performing Art” OR “Elective”
Meets UC/CSU subject "F" requirement
CAPSTONE: Advanced Video-Film
Course Description:
LCC Advanced Video-Film is an elective, year-long CTE Enrichment course building upon the techniques learned in Video-Film class to expand the practice of videography.
This project-based course is designed to allow students to both:
Pursue their own creative visions across a variety of filmmaking genres.
Become introduced to the business side of the industry through working with “clients” and producing projects shaped to each clients’ needs, timeline, and audience.
Interested students may train for and be provided an opportunity to take the Adobe Certified Professional Exam for the Adobe Premiere Pro editing software and earn an Adobe Certified Professional Certificate that demonstrates competency.
Why take Advanced Video-Film?
Students who are motivated to combine their Adobe Certified Professional Certificate with an internship and a few supplemental Online/Community College courses, will make themselves employable within the video industry.
Additional Information
10 Credits
Enrichment course for the LCC Video Production Pathway
Enrichment course for Career Technical Education
Satisfies High School Graduation Requirement for “Visual/Performing Art” OR “Elective”
Meets UC/CSU subject "F" requirement
ENRICHMENT: Digital Media Production
Course Description:
LCC Digital Media Production is an elective, year-long CTE Capstone course building upon the techniques learned in Video-Film class to expand the practice of Videography and Graphic Design into bi-weekly Broadcasts and Print Publications.
The Mission of MavLife & MavNation is to:
Publicize the creative diversity of our Maverick students, school culture, and North County community through the coverage of: News, Academics, Arts, and Athletics.
Why take Digital Media Production?
There is a place for EVERYONE, both in front and behind the camera (and even the keyboard!).
This fun class allows students to share their voices with the community in reporting what they experience and investigate as students in North County San Diego.
The class is never boring, as there is always a new project to take on and new people to work with.
The class is solely limited by one’s imagination.
Additional Information
10 Credits
Capstone course for the LCC Video Production Pathway
Capstone course for Career Technical Education. Receive “CTE Completer” on Transcript!
Note: “CTE Completer” is designated only if Video-Film is taken before this course.Satisfies High School Graduation Requirement for “Practical Art”
Satisfies High School Graduation Requirement for “Visual/Performing Art” OR “Elective”
Digital Media Arts may be considered a “Community Service” for College Applications.
Articulation: Coming
Work Based Learning Opportunities:
In Digital Media Production and Advanced Video-Film, students take on "clients" and create content based upon their directions. "Clients" typically include Family, Friends, and School Organizations. The projects are largely promotional, and often times commercial.
Leadership or certifications:
"Producers" in Digital Media Production determine the content of both video broadcasts and print articles. They work with less experienced students within the class to support them in seeing projects through to completion.
Students in Advanced Video-Film may choose to use the year to train specifically for the Adobe Premiere Pro Certified Professional Exam.
Instructor: Brad Golden (Video Film & Adv. Video Film) and James Teague (Digital Media Production)
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